Friends, teachers, fellow students-who didn't push it to the limit like i did so radically. In the game of life there are rock stars and there are police officers who can pull you over if your roll higher then a ten. The police officer is like a a long hollow tube, filled with all the money you get each time someone rolls higher then a ten. now if you decreased the tubs circumference by 1/2, you would have a tube roughly twice its original length- now why would you do that? This is why we learn. This is the question of life. Why... Why would you do that to the tube? If I could quote the great Michel Rivard, "I have but two things to say to you: Celery and Sidewalk. Thank you, good night." Thank you good night.
I have chosen prompt three, as in the Thrice is suffice. I have yet to really penetrated my book deeply with regards to character and plot development. What I noticed is that there has yet to be an event that has hit me as powerful. I really felt as though all that I've read. The suspense and uncertainty of McCarthy's writing was the mot powerful thing. Nothing really happened but there was so much feeling that wasn't written on the paper. The first page even. "Nights dark beyond darkness and the days more gray each one then what had gone before. Like the onset of some cold glaucoma dimming away the world." Nearly all the description from his writing went this deep. It was slow but powerful, a Behemoth of the written word.
Atonement is a very tough fish to fry. It is defined as the making of reparation for a sin or a mistake, often between god and man. In my opinion there is no way to atone for a action against another by thinking about yourself, but only through giving peace to the one you harmed can you start to heal. There is a big difference between healing others and healing mistakes against yourself, unless you seek comfort of another or a higher power. You have to live with guilt but you must make sure that you have undone the wrong to another there is no real end, you get closer each time. In the Kite runner the character Amir is faced with the crushing guilt of witnessing his "best friend" Hassan's rape. Amir tries to free himself of the guilt by ignoring it and just trying to forget but as time goes on It proves to be futile. I believe the answer is very simple. Amir must come to terms with what he has seen and simply tell the truth. Amir has to stop feeling sorry about himself and think about Hassan, the one who was actually raped, anally raped. All and all I think Amir will see the right path and follow it to his ultimate atonement, but it will be more of a baptism by fire
In the Seventh grade I was first chair Trumpet. I had been playing the trumpet for about four years, longer then any other instrument I'd pick up then loose interest in. I felt on top of the world, I actually enjoyed doing something; but something happened that would change that forever, ( no, not rape). My Music teacher at the time a Mr. Billy Bruns asked me if I would be interested in trying out a new instrument, due to a lack of low brass. That instrument was the Tuba. for the first couple months I enjoyed the new thrill of a large and in charge behemoth, but as time went on I started to realize what a mistake I had made. For the next 18 months I longed for the warm embrace of my trumpet. I felt as though all my plans of becoming a bounty hunter who plays in jazz clubs were dashed, rather finely i may add. This all changed my first day of high school. In Band class I was introduced to a whole new style of teaching, that which is known only as learning it from the "Hood". I saw how low brass parts in actual music were, for lack of a better word, SBLADOWZ. I learned that its not what you play, but how you play it, i mean it's not what you want to play, but what your personality will foresee you to play. I fit in very well within the low brass and love the tuba. <3
Editors Note: picture is Father and Son... The Front Cover.
title: The Road author: Cormac McCarthy awards: National Bestseller, Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. visuals: all black with "The Road" in big white text. I believe the book is going to be about a journey were someone finds their place in the world Questions: When was it written? where was Cormac McCarthy in his life while writing this
The Back Cover.
synopsis: A father and his son walk alone through burned America. Nothing moves in the ravaged landscape save the ash on the wind. it is cold enough to crack stones, and when the snow falls it is gray. The sky is dark. Their destination is the coast, although they don't know what, if anything, awaits them there. The have nothing; just a pistol to defend themselves against the lawless bands that stalk the road, the cloths they are wearing, a cart of scavenged food- and each other. Reviews: most of them say the same kind of thing here's one that includes what most say. " The searing, postapocalyptic novel destined to become Cormac McCarthy's Masterpiece." hints: I believe from what I've read its kind of like the Road Warrior Father and son edition, "just walk away...Son"
In The Book.
Copyright: 2006 Dedications: to John Francis McCarthy no table of contents or alternative titles Taste of Style: McCarthy's writing style is very descriptive and "slow" but not in a bad way. His writing has a very natural pace, a real thinking pace. Other books have no sense of pacing and are unnaturally fast.
Overall Impression: I've grown excited to read this book. I really enjoyed Road Warrior and I hope this will live up to all the precious Steam Punk Glory associated with Postapocalyptic times. I want to know: How did the Earth fall into this state? How did the father and son end up where they are? How long after the incident the destroyed the earth is it?
This was total war. The King had died three months earlier and never indicated who should take the thrown. His two sons both claimed it and the next step was obvious, a bloody civil war. My squad was stationed near a small radio post in the mountains, nothing ever happened out here.
In the darkness, the shape of an elderly man eclipses the blinding white desk light. The man wipes the sand from his world weary eyes and lets out a long drawn out sigh, showing his age. The man looks around, trying to get his bearings, and hears a loud snap. The man looks in his hands and finds a small model soldier, which his shaking hands have destroyed. Beyond the soldier sits a expertly crafted diorama. The old man strains to fathom where it had come from, but as he looks he starts to remember sleepless nights working on the meticulous details of every soldiers face, of every bullet hole, but most importantly on the wounded. The old man looked over at his clock which burned a bright red 3:26. The old man pick up his paint brush and decides to leave this soldier broken and paints every detail with the slowness and fluidness of age. The old man positions the soldiers in a river bed, a nice place to have it end. Forcing a smile the old man slowly raises shaking hand and turns off the light.
I have give little thought on question which provoked a statement. When making a decision I mostly focus on the "would this be an interesting story" factor. Right now in my life I really should be making decisions that are going to shape the rest of my life, but no I really don't believe that crap. The main thing I focus on when I make a "different word for decision" is how attached I have to be and my freedom within the choice. I rarely enjoy being shut into something, My decision making skills have been described as aloof and some what eccentric. Right now I really have to decide my path of higher education. The hard part about this my incompatibility with today's process of higher education.
1 pound - Continental Climate 70,000 tea spoons- national police men 1 national sport- Buzkashi 1 religion 16 ethnic groups 3 separate struggles for Independence
-combine ingredients in south-central Asia. Allow to settle in a very dry place. agitate till it becomes unstable, now add one Jew.
First off I would like to say I had an awesome break, although it was very detrimental to my overall dwindling work ethic. I caught up on some sleep, but then lost track of those precious Zs then tried to catch up with them and lost them again. I did a lot of, dare I say it, spring cleaning. My room and car are both inhabitable again. I cut down a 25 foot tree with a hand axe. Thinking back I've come to realize that I spent a majority of my time playing pool. when the weather was nice I sat outside and worked on whittling a cane. It's great to be back
I really get a feeling the Fermine is the focus of the Novel. There is a great understanding of who she wishes to be and what she is. The choices she has made in her life, mainly dealing with love felt very, careless and brash. Ultimately it is her contracting Cholera that forces her end. Let the story of life set, just as the sun fades on the horizon.
One recurring event that I feel serves a higher calling are the love songs for Farmine that both Urbino and Florentino compose. The difference between the two are that Florentos love song is composed and performed by him and his melancholy violin and Urbino hires a pianist to play for Fermine. Florentos labor for his song I feel shows that his love is true and deep routed, while Urbinos hiring the pianist shows that his love is shallow and mostly skin deep.
The style of Marquez is extremely original and in my opinion very textured. I found that while reading I could really feel the emotions the characters were feeling, but not in the sense of feeling their feelings, but in the sense that I got a feeling for texture of the feeling. That may sound a little weird but It is the best I could do at explaining the genius of Marquez. His use of non linear story progression felt extremely refreshing and his imagery was very high on my list. In my opinion the best characteristic of this writing was the use of subtly. Nothing could be definitively proven. It really is no wonder this is a classic.
Okayso far I'm pretty confused as to why Fermine is turning down the young Dr. Urbino. I just don't get what made her turn down Florentino, but now that shes turning down Urbino I can't really trust Fermine. When Urbino died she only wished that he would have lived longer so that she could tell him of the depth of her love; although when she is first introduced to the character of Urbino he is drastically similar to the earlier Florentino but substantially better
What is the significance of Cholera? -I feel as though Cholera is contracted through the consumption of contaminated things, that Cholera works into the novel as a symbol for love, or all the stress and sadness that comes from love.
did fermine really love Urbino? - I really feel Fermine loved Urbino, but its hard to say. after his death and the advance of Florentino she wept more for Florentino, then for her late husband Urbino.
What is the connection between Urbino and Florentino? -I feel as though the two share a spark of greatness but they are realised at different times in their lives. Alas Urbinos spark is realised at a more opporotune time making him more successful and apealing to women like Fermine.
how does love work into Fermines relationships - I really get the feeling that Fermine is some kind of an object that people covet more then something that covets others.
Okay so I started the next chapter. Turns out I was incredibly wrong. I should have thought about the authors style a flash back was imminent; although it did involve Fermine with another man, but the twist is that instead of it being a new love in her old age, it is an old love set ablaze by the death of her husband Dr. Urbino. I like this a lot more then what I foresaw.
First and foremost I am not a soothsayer, that is one chapter of my life I don't want to think about. But for the sake of appeasing the Great Sun God, Myst'haYah'woas'te- who watches over us and grades all that we do- I will try my best to once again look deep into the abyss of the future...of Love in the Time of Cholera. After a long 2 month morning for my beloved Dr. Urbino, I've turned my eyes onto his wife Fermine. I have a feeling that Fermine might become in tangled with another man, maybe even a younger man in her old age "COUGAR". only time will tell if I have appeased my mighty lord!
I am really upset at this book, in all respects it is a novel, but I'm angry at it, so it's a book. So far in the book I have been creating a big bond with who i thought was the main focus of the book Dr. Urbino. This man was awesome. The Doctor was a very old dog set in his ways, which is how i like my old esteemed men. The Doctor awakes from a siesta , the Doctor can hear his escaped precious parrot near by a finds him on a low branch. As he reaches the parrot hops to a higher branch, now the Doctor needs a ladder to reach his fine feathered friend. As Urbino reaches the apex of the ladder and grabs his parrot a servent gives out a sharp shreak of terror for the old mans daring feat, yet her worried shriek causes Urbino to loose his footing and instead of trying to regain his balance he releases his parrot to saftly cementing his death in the fall. This really bothered me and just out right perplexed me
So Far in This Chapter of LITTOC, I've been introduced to a lot of interesting characters and events, but one this really touched me in a way I thought only kittens could. It is revealed that as Dr. Urbino is returning form the late saint-amours that he has a pet Parrot, and this bird is the cats pajamas. Dr. U has showered this bird with more love and attention then he showed his own children; although its not that fact which moved me. apparently the bird is fluent in french, can quote scripture, and even has a vast knowledge of arithmetic, but when the President comes to bare witness to this revered birds, its silent. The President stays for two whole hours, all the while the bird just sits there speechless. I was greatly reminded of the old MGM cartoon about the singing frog, in which the frog could sing and dance, but it would never sing to an audience just his owner. CLASSIC!
People have strange reasons for their decisions. Honor, ethics, morals, almost anything can be used as a reason for an action; although there are some decisions that make the strange decisions look and taste like a common gray paste. In Love in the Time of Cholera (littoc) you are first introduced to Dr. Urbino examining the corpse of his long time friend Saint-Amour. It is concluded that Saint-Amour took his own life. Now, I really just tossed this fact aside, Loads of people kill themselves in books, loads. What made this one different was the reason for it. I learned that Saint-Amour took his life because he vowed to never grow old. When I read this I honestly put the book down and cheered. In my opinion that is one of the best reasons for the taking of ones life, and at the same time it is one of the worst. It is a definitive reason, with no substance, almost as if once you find out why, you just brush it off as "oh- alright". This really surprised me because, honestly I wasn't expecting it and that it am awesome hook. cat
I would just like to announce- to my vast, faceless, and ever shifting public- That I had a dream in which a bookworm was crawling upon the edge of a straight razor, this was my dream, and my horror. A bookworm slithering across a straight razor- and living... SO after 12 years of soul searching throughout east Asia I decided to read a book. The novel "Love in the Time of Cholera" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I hope you stop in from time to time to check up on my adventure through this book and through the gift of literacy. CAT COMBO BREAKER find the references
Ernesto Guevara was a man who knew not what he wanted to become, but what he wanted the world to become; although, all the while Che served as the main bulwark standing in front of his vision. CAT
The Many-world interpretation in quantum physics claims to resolve all of the correlation paradoxes of quantum theory, such as the EPR paradox, since every possible outcome to every event defines or exists in its own "history" or "world." In layman's terms, this means that there is a very large, perhaps infinite, number of universes and that everything that could possibly happen, or could possibly have happened, in our universe (but doesn't) does happen in some other universe(s). With this in mind post a comment describing an alternate event that went south (BAD) during Che's time in Peru, detailing in great detail the differences. CAT
In my opinion their is no real easy answer to this question. When Che Guevara was a young man he wanted to become a Doctor, most likely to help people, and inspire them. As Che went through medical school he probably kept these humanitarian ideals close to his heart. As Che aged, becoming interloped with the gorilla lifestyle must have really strengthened his humanitarian and Marxist ideals, although this life also called for him to shed blood and take life. This goes against Ches Hippocratic Oath, as seen here "I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone.". This makes me feel as though a person can really change everything them may believe they believe in but the key is to remember, that even though others may not believe what you believe, it is not the fact that they believe anything you believe but that you believe with every sense of the word believe, in what you believe you believe in. CAT
I want to make it clear that I in no way express ideals to people places or things. But for a grade, I will make an exception. I don't really care what people do as long as they respect others privacy and others right to do what they want as long as they abide by said rules. People can only get in others "Business" when it could save their life. Theirs the dilemma, When to intervene? Respect is what guides you whilst you "Walk the Line". Taking one self too serious is my most hated adversary. When one holds them self in high esteem they are terrible at realizing where they should devote their time and get mixed up in little kiddy bullshit. Now one should always take others seriously, this is the way to avoid confrontation and promote a social image as a serious person.
Thinking about it This whole topic goes against my ideals, My ideal is always be considerate to others respect them, tolerate them in the real meaning of the word , Live as a Heroic Figure and still remember the traveling troubadour.
I've summed it up. none of this is really important.
After reading that article about the unrest in Pakistan, with the goal of Che in Bolivia hovering in my mind I've really come to find that one can make a connection to an end from and origin. In this case its not like comparing the Nazis in WWII to the Buddhist monks of Tibet, in other words Apples to Oranges , But in this case I was to draw comparison on two cases which dealt with ideals and conflict tow different unique similar things. Ibelieve that when things become so different that the eventually share similarities. The Che Bolivia case can be comparted to the Pakistani violence in the idea that they both dealt with an idea being fought for and America coming to help keep the peace. But in Pakistan the Jihad is far more destructive and dangerous then Ches quest for the death of Big business fat cats. CAT
Who killed Che Guevara? In my mind it is very simple. The man who killed Che Guevara was a very close and trusted individual, some would say he was with Che from the start. This man had enormous influence in every aspect of his life. This man twisted Che with his ideals and his sense of right and wrong. This man encouraged Che to move ever forward and destroyed his sense of pity. This man Taught Che to look death in the eyes and laugh, for he was always at his back. This man invented a false sense of shared injustice. Most of all this man lied to Che Guevara. Can you guess whom I am talking about? The man that killed Che Guevara is none other then Che Guevara. He lost touch with the world as he reached for the heavens. CAT
"There is nothing lonelier than adventure." Said the silhouette of a man. I sat there with my pint of mead wondering on his words. what a fool might I laughed! To squander a gift as priceless as freedom. I sat there relishing in my undeserved knowledge. The silhouette of a man slowly moved from the shadows. the apparition keen to my sneerings glided over to my table and as fluid as he came he sat. His eyes were cloudy and blue, and his face showed a weariness that no amount of sleep could solve. We sat for what seemed like an eternity, his eyes not moving showing no emotion, stealing any pride or strength I had. This Man was once a great Champion. I opened my mouth to speak and he stopped me saying. "buy me an ale and Ill tell you my tale". I softly chuckled to myself but his ice cold air made my laughter dribble out. He told me the tale of his youth. His foes slain and maidens pillaged. He told me of all of his triumphs and what little defeats he had. The man went on for hours telling me tale after tale of outlandish odds and power overwhelming. I stared with my mouth fully dropped this man had to be a god! or a Demon. he finally laughed and gulped down the last of his ale and told me. "When at home, a man dreams of adventure- and during an adventure, a man dreams of home" the man struggled to stand up, then hobbled away.
If I was given the chance to express what I feel were Che Guevara's ideals I would most likely have no comment, but after further thought and a little pressure for a grade I have decided to express my idea of his ideals. Well first of the man did have a lot of Marxist backgrounds and shot daggers at the idea of imperialism, so you can render that he is probably far left on that most universal spectrum. but in the documentary it is said that Che would love a world where a man works not out of opportunity for personal gain, but for the simple thrill of working. I believe that Che was looking for a pure Utopian society were even during a persons own free time, instead of resting or screwing around, he took on more then his share of the work and did it out of enjoyment. unlike the lovable Mr. Pockets, who is a cat.
If I was given the opportunity to create a documentary on anything I would most definitely Focus on John and John of the magic that is They Might Be Giants. These guys got the goods, and they've had them goods since 1982 , and ever since then they have continued to have something some would call "the goods". Now what does The Goods really reefer do? I'm no expert but I can tell you that what ever it is, THEY'VE GOT THE GOODS. I just really feel not enough people know how influential John Flansburgh and John Linnell are and how involved they have been with movies, T.V. , and the music. But as i think about It I don't really want too many people to know about them...well they can know about them but I don't want them to like them...just buy their merchandise.
For those in the know heres a bit of a sprinkle sugar - Mr. Pockets
If I had to create an award winning documentary revolving around a character with so many characteristics as Che Guevara then there are certain events in his life I'd focus on, and I would also try to answer strange questions that no one can answer like "did Aliens build the pyramids" and make loose connections like "Leonardo Da vinci was an accomplished painter, just like Adolf Hitler. The first thing I would focus on would be Che's childhood, his rise to entitlement. Then I would really spend a long time talking about his realization of his love for his mother land and then I would move on to his beard growth, and there I would ask the unanswerable question, Why? why did Che grow that voluptuous beard? was it for show, possible a declaration of his rebelliousness, fear of razors? or maybe it had connections to some Dark lord of the Nether Realms. I would remember to keep Che human in the documentary try to point out that he may have had to do some inhumane things but they were justified in some fashion, or maybe it was the beard? At the end of te documentary I would be sure to try and pin all of Ches' accomplishments on his beard, go grow a beard. EDITORS NOTE* -The entirety of the Document-ah-Che would be presented to you in a stop animation clay sculpture to preserve the whimsy
The Front Cover -The Motorcycle Diaries, Ernesto Che Guevara, New York Times Best Seller -a picture of a young Che Guevara, kind of looks like Andrew Sauber mixed with Tarek El'Magrabi. "Notes on a Latin American Journey" -I have a hunch thats its going to be about Che Guevara's notes on a Latin American Journey of some sorts. -Where is his beard? was he really a med student and dropped out? what a jerk.
The Back Cover -The book of the Movie. apparently his daughter wrote the preface which explains her fathers entertaining journey also he done taken a lot of pictures. -A lot of people like A lot of this book -It is during an adventure Che had when he was 23
Inside the Book -copy write 2003, first printed 2003. -no dedications -there is a journal style of writing
In this book I expect to be lead on a journey of self discovery in which you learn what brought Che to realize his place in his land and his love for his country.
When ever I look at a book I rarely look at the cover unless asked to. What I have found myself doing is thinking more about what I have heard about this book or what possible connections I can make to current activities of mine. Books that I most enjoy and get more out of are magical realism, science fiction and historical fiction books, I enjoy suspending reality while still finding a small way of remembering that my feet are on the ground. The seamless transition from the mundane to the fantastical is just my cup of tea, the bees knees, the cats pajamas, that one fresh mountain stream, it is just swell. The book Dune is my personal favorite and it really had a great sense of fantasy and created its own universe it was very easy to read and kept me on edge every second of everyday. I couldn't put it down. HAZAH!
To day in the learning hall we watched a clip of the Glen Beck show dealing with Che Guevara. In the clip from the glen beck show which the provider so amorously provided for us I heard a lot of things, which I ultimately agree with. I agree that venerating the life and ideals of Che Guevara is both ignorant and despicable. In today’s American pop culture Che is revered as a hero. Young men and women strut their stuff with t-shirts, bags, and even bikinis displaying Che’s face. This really grinds my gears, sours my milk, spooks my cattle, and ants my picnic. Why would a man who’s ideals would call for a death to the American way of life be loved and adored? What I really enjoyed from the Glen Beck show was how they pointed out that these young people probably don’t know who, or what Che Guevara really was.
Glen Beck has a very distinctive voice and style. He keeps a constant overtone of humor while staying on topic and sometimes beyond. I really enjoy his voice and how he talks to other people he has just the perfect ratio of respect to disrespect. On a side note, and I mean no disrespect, he has some distracting ears.
"Sit back and close your eyes... really fast open them...then close them again...then open them... then close them...and open...and close...then open you are ready." - Mr. Pockets