In my opinion their is no real easy answer to this question. When Che Guevara was a young man he wanted to become a Doctor, most likely to help people, and inspire them. As Che went through medical school he probably kept these humanitarian ideals close to his heart. As Che aged, becoming interloped with the gorilla lifestyle must have really strengthened his humanitarian and Marxist ideals, although this life also called for him to shed blood and take life. This goes against Ches Hippocratic Oath, as seen here "I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone.". This makes me feel as though a person can really change everything them may believe they believe in but the key is to remember, that even though others may not believe what you believe, it is not the fact that they believe anything you believe but that you believe with every sense of the word believe, in what you believe you believe in. CAT
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