People have strange reasons for their decisions. Honor, ethics, morals, almost anything can be used as a reason for an action; although there are some decisions that make the strange decisions look and taste like a common gray paste. In Love in the Time of Cholera (littoc) you are first introduced to Dr. Urbino examining the corpse of his long time friend Saint-Amour. It is concluded that Saint-Amour took his own life. Now, I really just tossed this fact aside, Loads of people kill themselves in books, loads. What made this one different was the reason for it. I learned that Saint-Amour took his life because he vowed to never grow old. When I read this I honestly put the book down and cheered. In my opinion that is one of the best reasons for the taking of ones life, and at the same time it is one of the worst. It is a definitive reason, with no substance, almost as if once you find out why, you just brush it off as "oh- alright". This really surprised me because, honestly I wasn't expecting it and that it am awesome hook. cat
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