What is the significance of Cholera?
-I feel as though Cholera is contracted through the consumption of contaminated things, that Cholera works into the novel as a symbol for love, or all the stress and sadness that comes from love.
did fermine really love Urbino?
- I really feel Fermine loved Urbino, but its hard to say. after his death and the advance of Florentino she wept more for Florentino, then for her late husband Urbino.
What is the connection between Urbino and Florentino?
-I feel as though the two share a spark of greatness but they are realised at different times in their lives. Alas Urbinos spark is realised at a more opporotune time making him more successful and apealing to women like Fermine.
how does love work into Fermines relationships
- I really get the feeling that Fermine is some kind of an object that people covet more then something that covets others.