Atonement is a very tough fish to fry. It is defined as the making of reparation for a sin or a mistake, often between god and man. In my opinion there is no way to atone for a action against another by thinking about yourself, but only through giving peace to the one you harmed can you start to heal. There is a big difference between healing others and healing mistakes against yourself, unless you seek comfort of another or a higher power. You have to live with guilt but you must make sure that you have undone the wrong to another there is no real end, you get closer each time.
In the Kite runner the character Amir is faced with the crushing guilt of witnessing his "best friend" Hassan's rape. Amir tries to free himself of the guilt by ignoring it and just trying to forget but as time goes on It proves to be futile. I believe the answer is very simple. Amir must come to terms with what he has seen and simply tell the truth. Amir has to stop feeling sorry about himself and think about Hassan, the one who was actually raped, anally raped. All and all I think Amir will see the right path and follow it to his ultimate atonement, but it will be more of a baptism by fire